Perhaps my most favorite is an advertisment presented by Ann Pitcher in her text Transforming Mozambique. The add is by Ferpinta and "explores the theme of transformation and globalization . . . [it] depicts a bright orange fetus swirling around in amniotic fluid that is a turquoise color with flecks of white. The amniotic fluid resembles the earth as seen from the outside the earth's atmosphere, and is an obvious allusion to globalization. Coupled with the words, "'My Africa'", the unborn child is meant to represent the dawning of a new generation on the continent of Africa, the birth of a new era in which Africa benefits from globalization . . .The text of the advertisement hails the peace, development, and prosperity that will be realized as this new generation in Africa matures. But just as the purpose of pre-natal care is to ensure a healthy baby, so also the text of the advertisement notes that in order to realize a prosperous furture work must begin in Africa today. Ferpinta, the company that has placed the advertisement, wants to work together with others to generate wealth and realize oppertunites for the '"Men of tomorrow"' (Pitcher 2002).
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